Order & delivery

My orders

You can see all your placed orders in your personal account.

Delivery time

View the delivery time for all countries to which we send here. The delivery time is an indication, the actual delivery time can be different and is counted from the moment the package is handled and
received at DHL. The handling process generally takes 1-3 business days. To view the exact delivery time of your order, follow your order with your personal track & trace code. You will automatically receive this as soon as your order is been shipped. The delivery times do not include local customs clearance. Covering the possible import taxes are the buyers responsibility. Please note that we will do everything in our power to honor your order in a timely manner, but we cannot guarantee a specific arrival date. Many factors will influence shipping times and the courier will ultimately be responsible for delivery. Please contact the courier directly with any questions you might have once your order has been shipped. Courier contact information is available in the tracking notification emails.

Countries to which we send

View here the list of countries we send to.

Shipping costs
The shipping costs depend on the weight of your order. During the checkout process the shipping costs are calculated automatically. The shipping costs are exclusive of any customs / import taxes.

Track your order

You can track your order here. Once your order has been shipped you will automatically receive an e-mail with your personal track & trace code. Enter this code on the website above to trace your package. Here you can also view the expected delivery time.


Once you've placed your order, the order will be processed accordingly. It's not possible to change shipping details, swap selected products or cancel an order on request. Please confirm all details
before completing your order to prevent delay and disappointment.